
A feeling that I came to witness while enjoying rain was “ I am the rain.” - Devang Vibhakar

A feeling that I came to witness while enjoying rain was “ I am the rain.” -   Devang Vibhakar

A feeling that I came to witness while enjoying rain was “ I am the rain.” -   Devang Vibhakar
A feeling that I came to witness while enjoying rain was “ I am the rain.” -   Devang Vibhakar

Some days I am the one who needs help growing up, some days I am the one who is helping others grow. The feeling of helping others to grow is like the rain helping nature to grow and shower blessings.

Helping someone find a destination when they are lost makes me feel useful and it is fulfilling to be able to help another along their way.

Helping someone get through a hard time in their life can be humbling, as well as calling forth empathy and sympathy.

Selfless giving, in the absence of self-preservation instincts, easily becomes overwhelming,” like a nature of rain it showers to all selflessly. It is important to be “otherish,” which defines as being willing to give more than you receive.

Those who are growing up effortlessly and can be a rain for others.

If ever you feel alone, or stuck, remember some days we are the flowers, the ones who need help growing. the process is slow and sometimes frustrating, but eventually, we bloom and we amaze those who look at us.

Some days we are the rain, the element that helps these flowers grow and prosper into steadfast, independent beauties that make the whole world brighter.

The Great  Happiness is found in helping others and motivating people while tough times.

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