Anyone can come up with a goal, but not everyone has the ability to achieve it. For that to happen, you need to take action first. Goals are not like dreams or prayers. You cannot just close your eyes and wish for it to happen. You have to do something.But of course, it does not end there. Certainly, taking the first step toward reaching your goal is the most crucial but it is not the only thing you have to do. There are a lot more steps to take and work hard on, and for that you need to be focused.
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21 Tips For Taking Action |
You need to learn how to ignore distraction. Perhaps in a perfect world, no person would have to be subjected to distraction when trying to accomplish a goal. But this is reality, and distraction comes in all shapes and sizes.
Sometimes, distraction comes from within. This is the worst obstacle of all because how do you ignore something that lives inside your mind or heart? This is when motivation kicks in. As the old adage goes, when the going gets tough, the going gets tougher.
1. Goals are like a destination that you have to reach.
2. Taking action is what gives you direction toward your goal.
3. Staying focused ensures that you are always on the right path.
4. And lastly, motivation is what makes sure that you will do anything and everything to reach the end of the path, arrive at your destination, and achieve your goal.
This is a never ending and rather flexible cycle. At times, you will need to motivate yourself in order to take action. Other times, you need to take action to stay focused. In any case, which goes first does not matter so do not be surprised if you find yourself jumping from one tip to another. What matters is that you are taking all the positive steps toward reaching your goal.
So if you are ready to finally make your goal come true, then here goes!
Tips for Taking Action
Tip Number 1: Just do it.
The first step is always the hardest. Your mind will come up with all sorts of scenarios to prevent you from taking that scary first step toward your goal. That does not mean you are a coward, though. It is just your brain’s way of defending yourself.
Sometimes, though, you have to listen to what your heart has to say and just do it. Everything else will be a lot easier once you get past the first hurdle – and that is to ignore your brain’s dire warnings and go with your gut instinct.
Tip Number 2: Doing something is not always a physical thing.
It is never wise to try achieving a goal without a plan. If you want to spend the least amount of time and effort in achieving your goal, then you need to come up with a step-by-step plan for accomplishing it.
A good plan takes into account all potential consequences as well as all the possible avenues you may take in order to reach your objective.
Tip Number 3: Breathing helps.
Whenever you feel like there is a panic attack coming in, just take a deep breath. Better yet, take several deep breaths. Studies show how breathing can effectively clear the mind and help calm your nerves. So go ahead and breathe - inhale all the way from your stomach to take full advantage!
Tip Number 4: Take a page from the most successful books.
You may not be a U.S. President like Bill Clinton, but you are running for a position and you have limited funds like Clinton for your campaign. What did Clinton do that you can do as well? In the end, it is all about finding the small but essential similarities.
Tip Number 5: Take baby steps.
Also, it could be that you are just starting out and the other person you are comparing yourself to is years ahead of you in terms of expertise and experience. The other person cannot afford to take baby steps, but you can and you should!
If you rush things too much, everything may end up backfiring on you.
Tip Number 6: Rome wasn’t built in a day.
It is good to have a plan for everything, but you do not have to accomplish everything in a single day. Even if you have the energy to do so, the people around you and who also have something at stake in reaching your shared goals may not have the time and similar energy to do so.
Give them a break. If all of you have truly worked hard, then all you deserve to rest. There is always tomorrow to think about.
Tip Number 7: Do not pressure yourself.
There are sure to be other people and other sources you will receive a lot of flak and pressure about getting things done. Why burden yourself with more pressure when you can give yourself a pep talk instead?
Tip Number 8: A little competition is good – just do not make a big deal out of it.
Competition can make you take action because the more you delay, the further behind you will be in achieving your goal. Friendly competition is also effective for staying focused and getting you pumped up but be careful!If you let yourself focus too much on the competition, then you may end up forgetting about the bigger picture. In the end, being too competitive may be another source of distraction that you absolutely do not need.
Tip Number 9: Believe in yourself.
Tip Number 10: Get a companion.
If you feel that you need your wife to be at your side to accomplish a particular goal, then go and make it happen and again – forget about what anyone else has to say. As long as you are not hurting yourself or anyone else, then there is nothing wrong with what you are doing.
Tip Number 11: Get someone to do it for you.
Taking action may also mean finding the best person to do the job. So do not be shy to admit if something is well beyond your actual KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities). There are just some things in life that are better left in the hands of an expert.
Tip Number 12: Do not be too proud to ask for help.
A lot of people confuse taking action as doing something that directly contributes to achieving a particular goal. What they fail to understand is that sometimes, indirect benefits also matter just as much.Consider, for instance, the act of forgetting about your pride. Some people may say that it has nothing to do with achieving a certain type of goal, but what if it is your pride that is holding you back from getting much-needed help from an expert?
Tip Number 13: It is okay to start again.
Do you just sit down and cry over spilt milk? If so, that is not equivalent to taking action. You may be doing something, but it is nothing that can help you achieve your goal.
If you realize that something is wrong, then clear your mind and retrace your steps until you find out that critical mistake you committed. Correct it and move on. If you have to, start from scratch – the sooner, the better!
Tip Number 14: Never stop trying!
So go ahead and pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and learn from your mistakes. You will be a better and stronger person for doing this!
Tip Number 15: Have a back-up plan.
Others feel that back-up plans are akin to admitting failure. It is not. Rather, back-up plans are actually a mere way of acknowledging the fact that change is the only thing that is constant in the world. There is no way for you to predict what is going to happen in the next minute, but you can try to prepare for things that could happen.
Think of it as smoothing the way to taking action toward achieving your goal.
Tip Number 16: Consider your resources.
Willpower and motivation as well as focus are all great things to have but these are internal resources. You also have to back up your plan with external and concrete resources like money, manpower, and skills.
Tip Number 17: Look before you leap but leap all the same if you have to!
Risks are scary, and it is a good thing that you are aware of that. Those who think that they can take on any kind of risk are simply foolhardy and reckless. They are certainly not brave or exceptionally smart.
If you come across an unmanageable risk or one where the stakes are too high, do look before you leap. Consider the ups and downs, but most importantly of all – consider what your brain and guts have to say. Then leap – and leap high – if you really need to!
Tip Number 18: Do not be too rigid or stubborn.
You have to know when to stop knocking yourself against the wall and find another way toward reaching your goal. Remember: when there is a will, there is a way. If your Plan A did not work, what else is your Plan B good for if you are not willing to use it?
Tip Number 19: Do not wait for things to happen. Make it happen instead!
They are not the kind to wait for a sign from the fates or a falling star to appear in the sky before they get moving. If they have a goal in sight, and they have a plan for achieving it, then they will move heaven and earth to get it.
Tip Number 20: Give yourself a reasonable deadline.
You have to be firm with yourself and give yourself a deadline. Sometimes, that is the only way to get things done.
Tip Number 21: Be decisive.
You have to show them that you know what needs to be done and you have the power to help everyone reach their goals – if they follow you.
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