
When life knocks you down, try to land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up

Quote By: Les Brown

When we twisted by ups and downs of life, we go wide undoubtedly. We found ourselves procrastinating, getting panicked, getting lethargic and more.

Coming back from hindrances isn’t the failure. Failure is giving up when our heart and gut screams out to go again, get up and fight back, swallow pride and find the green shoots. Coming back from the canvass might lead to loneliness.  We need to spend more time with own thoughts during a comeback, listen to the gut, trust instinct and the green shoots start to appear as they have now for us only.

Vision boards will be going to help a lot, think of them like the trophy cabinet in an athlete’s living room, a daily reminder of how far we would come and what was left to achieve. Having formation of positive attitude and great vision will give us purpose and motivation to get off our backside every day and keep fighting to come back.

Often we get so immersed in situations that we don’t see the solutions. We need to stop periodically and take a step back to see what’s truly going on and what we really need to do to make things amazing. Once we can get the big picture figured out, we can get back up easily.

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