How does one become a butterfly? You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar - Trina Paulus
The caterpillar was wrapped in a universe of darkness, like people have tough time in life, but instead of remaining in a dark place just like a cocoon burst the caterpillar turned into a butterfly, free to escape the haziness and fly into the sun light simply like people we are to recall that frequently in our darkest hours things happen we don't see, however with confidence, and expectation we can blast through like he butterfly into the light.
We all reach such moments in life, heart throbs, frustration and dissatisfaction and disillusionment.
Things are simply not going as we assumed. Sometimes it simply all needs to go into disrepair before we quit attempting to control everything and surrender to enabling a more prominent source to assume control. A few things simply need to go to account for different things.
Just like that, when we are in the cocoon; feeling helpless and discouraged; we shake, we mutter and protest find fault in the world around us. Accuse another person for our misery.
Murmur and protest some more and afterward we are so depleted we surrender. In that moment we start the process of transformation and become the most amazing butterfly.